Wednesday, 13 July 2011

today's to do list

Part of my morning routine is to write my to do list for that day. 

They are a huge part of my day.  I love to cross items out, how good does it feel?!  I seriously put some things down, like "get up"  that I know I will be able to complete ;-) just so I can cross it out! 

These lists tend to take many forms.  Some are long, some are short, some are beautiful, some are not, some have little doodles, and some are annotated with little notes to myself.  They are written on what ever piece of paper I can get my hands on.  I thought it would be interesting to document my lists. 

So here is today's, apologies for the poor photograph. (will have to work on that!)


Ruth Quibell said...

"allowing my gut instinct to express itself, to me!" Well put. I discovered a similar thing by keeping a design/interiors scrapbook. Amid all the clusters of colours and textures that got my attention, I discovered the quite simple objects that make me happy: gleaming handmade ceramics, flowers, driftwood.

Ruth Quibell said...

Oops, that comment was meant for the blog on pin interest, but that seems to have disappeared!

ruth said...

so sorry!

that was good timing by me! Suddenly thought this morning I had better check it was ok to post the main photos with the people who took them, well the ones I could locate! Still new to this and didn't want to offend anyone and not quite sure of posting etiquette.

Thank you for your lovely comment though! Will come and find you on pinterest!

The original post will be up again ASAP!

Sorry again!

best wishes